Tuesday, November 13, 2007

11 Months Old

Okay, this is Gina's second pick...our pensive boy.  Actually one of Auggie's favorite indoor past times is gazing out the window.

Brand New Baby

Aaron and I decided an interesting entry would be for each of us to post our two favorite photos of Auggie (thus far).  This is my first pick.  What a little peanut! -Gina

Auggie's Chicks

This photo illustrates how Auggie has spent some of his Autumn days, with two of his girlfriends!  

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Happy Halloween

Three costumes is what it took. The story kinda reminded me of the three bears. You know, this porridge is to hot, this too cold, and this one just right. Yea, it was an experience.


Saturday, November 3, 2007

Our Boy

So, here he is. Our pride and joy! I feel that I have to tell you all that the majority of things posted in here are going to be about this guy. He kinda rules the roost -- deservedly so.

I love being a dad to this guy. He is one of the most amazing things that could have happened to to me (and I think I speak for Gina as well).

I fought having a kid, the notion scared the crap out of me. It still does, but it is too late. Now that he is here, and I get to see him grow --which is exciting.

It is almost like I have split in two. One half is a kid again --trying to think how he thinks. The other half grew up faster than I could have ever imagined. Sometimes I look at my wife and think, where the hell did the time go?

It is all good though.

I look forward to all the great things that are going to happen to this guy, and how Gina and I are going to hopefully soak it all in.

Some friends are about to have a baby in a few months. I am looking forward to seeing it through their eyes. Maybe relive some of the stress, confusion, and sleepless nights. Without having to go through it of course.

I am out.


Here goes the first!

Hey everyone. I thought I would set this up as a Home-base, if you will, for pictures and such. That way you will not get all of those pesky emails that seem to never end. Now it is your choice. And don't hesitate to post, in fact, I encourage it!

That is all for now.
