Saturday, November 3, 2007

Our Boy

So, here he is. Our pride and joy! I feel that I have to tell you all that the majority of things posted in here are going to be about this guy. He kinda rules the roost -- deservedly so.

I love being a dad to this guy. He is one of the most amazing things that could have happened to to me (and I think I speak for Gina as well).

I fought having a kid, the notion scared the crap out of me. It still does, but it is too late. Now that he is here, and I get to see him grow --which is exciting.

It is almost like I have split in two. One half is a kid again --trying to think how he thinks. The other half grew up faster than I could have ever imagined. Sometimes I look at my wife and think, where the hell did the time go?

It is all good though.

I look forward to all the great things that are going to happen to this guy, and how Gina and I are going to hopefully soak it all in.

Some friends are about to have a baby in a few months. I am looking forward to seeing it through their eyes. Maybe relive some of the stress, confusion, and sleepless nights. Without having to go through it of course.

I am out.


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