Sunday, August 31, 2008

Trip to Madison

On Saturday morning, Grandma, Grandpa, Auggie and I took a trip to Madison to visit Aunt Patti and Uncle Gary at their brand new condo.  More importantly, we came to celebrate Aunt Patti's birthday!  We had a wonderful day and the condo is very hip and contemporary.

Auggie fell asleep in the car on the drive there and woke up on the "wrong side of the bed".

It took him about a half hour before he warmed up but boy, did he ever.  Auggie was reunited with one of his favorite pieces of equipment, Uncle Gary's wheelchair.  Aunt Patti and Uncle Gary had to compete with the wheelchair for Auggie's affections.

Uncle Gary went shopping and brought a surprise present for Auggie to the condo.

An electronic skid loader or in Auggie-speak, "scooper!".  The perfect gift for our little man, thank you Uncle Gary!!

Smooches for the birthday girl.

Chocolate birthday torte, delicious.

The bunch minus Grandma Kitty taking the photo.

Aunt Patti talking on Auggie's "foot phone".  Many an important phone call have been made on the "foot phone", try it sometime, you'd be surprised who answers.

Auggie loves taking Uncle Gary for rides.  Fortunately, Uncle Gary has the patience of a saint to put up with multiple trips up and down the condo hallways.

Happy Birthday Aunt Patti, we love you!

Milwaukee Zoo

Auggie and I kept busy Labor Day weekend while Daddy was away with the guys.  Grandma Kitty and Grandpa Donnie came and took us to the zoo on Friday.

It had been a year since Auggie had been back to the zoo (no excuses for that since we live so close now).  Returning this year proved to be an entirely different experience, starting with the train ride.  Auggie screamed bloody murder after boarding the train to the point where I had to struggle to keep him on board.  After a few moments his fear dissipated and he enjoyed the remainder of the ride.

Here is Auggie, fully recuperated, actually smiling along side Grandpa.

Exiting with Grandma Kitty.

Cuddling my baby.

Checking out the carousel from a very safe distance, behind the gate.

We're in the jungle, baby...

Flirting with little girls.


Just hanging...


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Walworth County Fair

Yesterday Auggie and I rode with Auntie Michelle, Kendall and Addison to Elkhorn to partake in the Walworth County Fair (Daddy's hometown fair).  We met Grandpa and Grandma Toynton there and had a fun-filled day!



Our little flower and his cousin the rooster.

Time for ice cream!

We made several attempts to get Auggie to ride on various motorcycles, cars and truck rides to no avail.  Once I put his little bottom on the seat he would say, "I don't want it."  Here Auggie "rides" vicariously through watching Kendall and Addison.

Holding hands and walking with Grandpa Toynton.

Grandma Toynton is helping Auggie pick out ducks in his first fair game of the day.  Every duck Auggie picked was orange, his favorite color.

Auntie Michelle took Auggie down the giant slide, his only active participation in a ride at the fair.

Grandpa hoisting Auggie up for a "Cowdak" moment.

Auggie was smitten with the baby piglets.

Petting the baby calf, saying "soft, nice."

The kids had a blast jumping into bins of corn and soybeans-a favorite past-time of any red blooded American?

Checking out the miniature farm equipment.  I couldn't resist buying Auggie a miniature John Deere tractor and hay wagon just like his Great Grandpa Julius used to drive.

Kendall "operating heavy machinery" at the fair with her sidekick cousin.

If you've read our blog in the past you are already aware of Auggie's devotion  to lawn mowers.  This photo marks a monumental moment in this two-year-olds life:  riding a real lawn mower for the first time!

We had such a great time at the fair with our family.  Grandpa and Grandma Toynton were too generous (Auggie walked away with multiple prizes and memories to treasure until next year's fair).  Thanks Grandpa and Grandma Toynton!  Thanks Auntie Michelle for carting us around all day!