Sunday, August 31, 2008

Trip to Madison

On Saturday morning, Grandma, Grandpa, Auggie and I took a trip to Madison to visit Aunt Patti and Uncle Gary at their brand new condo.  More importantly, we came to celebrate Aunt Patti's birthday!  We had a wonderful day and the condo is very hip and contemporary.

Auggie fell asleep in the car on the drive there and woke up on the "wrong side of the bed".

It took him about a half hour before he warmed up but boy, did he ever.  Auggie was reunited with one of his favorite pieces of equipment, Uncle Gary's wheelchair.  Aunt Patti and Uncle Gary had to compete with the wheelchair for Auggie's affections.

Uncle Gary went shopping and brought a surprise present for Auggie to the condo.

An electronic skid loader or in Auggie-speak, "scooper!".  The perfect gift for our little man, thank you Uncle Gary!!

Smooches for the birthday girl.

Chocolate birthday torte, delicious.

The bunch minus Grandma Kitty taking the photo.

Aunt Patti talking on Auggie's "foot phone".  Many an important phone call have been made on the "foot phone", try it sometime, you'd be surprised who answers.

Auggie loves taking Uncle Gary for rides.  Fortunately, Uncle Gary has the patience of a saint to put up with multiple trips up and down the condo hallways.

Happy Birthday Aunt Patti, we love you!

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