Friday, February 6, 2009

Milwaukee Mitchell Park Domes

Auggie and I met up with Sarah, Grandma Mary, Michaya and Baby Dylan at the domes.  The minute I arrived I asked myself why I don't go more regularly (especially in the winter).  It is such a beautiful place to be and on a sunny day like today, it was just perfect.

There are three domes:  one tropical, one desert and one rotational.  The third dome's display was Lego Land and TRAINS!!!!  This happens to be the same exhibit (trains) as when Sarah and I first took the kids to the domes two years ago.

Augustus had a difficult time grasping (no pun intended) that these were trains that he could not touch.  A truly difficult lesson to learn.

Boys and trains....

When we entered the desert dome Auggie proudly told me we were now in the jungle.  The remainder of the time he spent in this dome was dedicated to looking for snakes!  He was certain he would come across at least one.  In this photo, Michaya convinced Auggie there was  a snake behind the adobe house so the kids are trying to locate it.

Waterfall in the tropical dome.

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