Monday, March 30, 2009

Weekend with Cousins

We were thrilled to have Uncle Paully, Auntie Vernie, Ruby and Lucy stay with us this weekend.  We had a lot of fun and Auggie was so happy to have his Ruby and Lucy to wake up to in the morning.

Saturday morning, Aaron and I took Auggie and the girls to Monkey Joe's inflatables gym.  It was fun but I don't recommend going there on the weekend, too crowded.
(Ruby, Lucy and Auggie waiting in line to get inside).

Uncle Aaron, Auggie and Lucy in the arcade.

Ruby cruising down a steep slide.

Our first-ever Monkey Joe sighting.  Very exciting.  This is the best photo we have as Auggie was too scared to really go near him.

Our resident celebrity, Lucy.

The girls are such a great babysitters.  Here's Lucy helping to give Auggie his bath.

Paully and Vernie are exceptionally talented in home improvement (among other things), so we asked them to help change out several of our old [truly hideous] light fixtures.  Thanks to them, we are very happy to report that we have parted ways with our 1950's camper-style lighting in the kitchen.  The time went too fast, we wished they could have stayed longer!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Children's Museum

After a failed attempt to go to Betty Brinn's on Monday afternoon (it was closed, helloooo?!), we made it back Tuesday morning instead.  Niccoli and I, like minds, put both the boys in red shirts to help spot them in the crowds, only to find out that every other mother had the same idea.  Needless to say, no amount of red was going to help me with Auggie and his new-found desire to flee rapidly at a moment's notice.  Ugh.

Engineer on the Brio train.

Augustus Toynton, MD

Making Mom proud as a new addition to the CSI unit.

Auggie and Gordy working out the inner workings of the digestive system.

In the dance studio, not exactly dancing.

Interrupting Niccoli's presentation of "Shaun the Sheep" (Anybody ever watched that?  It's funny :-)).

Wind chamber filled with butterflies and leaves.

Despite each having their own train tables at home, the boys spent a great deal of time in their comfort zone.

Sizing.  That's 3 ft. ~5 in.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Gym Time with Michaya

Auggie and I met Sarah, Michaya and baby Dylan at LeFleurs Gymnastics in Germantown yesterday morning.  It's been awhile since returning there, most likely due to the addition of Family Fun Land right next door.  It was a welcome change with space to run,  jump and expend a whole lot of energy.

Love in a block pit.

Jumping Pigtails!

Back to the Parks 2009!

Tuesday brought some beautiful weather that Auggie and I utilized to the fullest.  After spending the morning doing yard work and dog-poo-detail, we met up with Niccoli and the boys at Wirth's Tot Lot.
Ahhh...the swing, Auggie would stay planted in it the entire day if I let him.

Auggie and Gordy contemplating digging.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Almost Bowling...

Niccoli and I met up Tuesday morning at I Pic with the intention of bowling with the boys.  Problem was, every lane was taken when we got there.  We settled for playing in the Bayshore Mall toy area and meeting Mathew to have lunch at Bar Louie.

Ahhh...what could have been...

Hanging out under a giant baseball mitt.

Headed for Lake Michigan.

Birthday Bash

On Saturday Auggie and I went to Devin's second birthday party.  Devin is my co-worker Kelly's son.  We had a great time.  Auggie was a complete ham to say the least, making his presence known to everyone at the party!

Devin at the head of the table getting ready to dig into some cake.

Auggie definitely approved of the cake.

Kelly (to the right, in gray sweater)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Who is Auggie's best girl?

Auggie and I returned to the Domes for another sun-filled day with Sarah, Grandpa Bob, Michaya and baby Dylan.

"You need a quarter, honey, to make a wish?"