Monday, March 30, 2009

Weekend with Cousins

We were thrilled to have Uncle Paully, Auntie Vernie, Ruby and Lucy stay with us this weekend.  We had a lot of fun and Auggie was so happy to have his Ruby and Lucy to wake up to in the morning.

Saturday morning, Aaron and I took Auggie and the girls to Monkey Joe's inflatables gym.  It was fun but I don't recommend going there on the weekend, too crowded.
(Ruby, Lucy and Auggie waiting in line to get inside).

Uncle Aaron, Auggie and Lucy in the arcade.

Ruby cruising down a steep slide.

Our first-ever Monkey Joe sighting.  Very exciting.  This is the best photo we have as Auggie was too scared to really go near him.

Our resident celebrity, Lucy.

The girls are such a great babysitters.  Here's Lucy helping to give Auggie his bath.

Paully and Vernie are exceptionally talented in home improvement (among other things), so we asked them to help change out several of our old [truly hideous] light fixtures.  Thanks to them, we are very happy to report that we have parted ways with our 1950's camper-style lighting in the kitchen.  The time went too fast, we wished they could have stayed longer!


Unknown said...

I cannot believe how big Paul's girls are!!!

AUG BLOG said...

I know, it's crazy. They are really a big help now! Lucy, in particular, is so nurturing. She just can't get enough of Auggie.