Monday, April 6, 2009

The Children's Play Gallery in Delafield

Late Friday afternoon, Niccoli and I took the boys to Delafield to a very cool children's indoor play area/museum, The Children's Play Gallery.  It now scores very high on my list of places to take Auggie to play.

This is the construction zone, equipped with blocks, hard hats, pulleys and tools.

While wearing the necessary safety gear, our little builder utilizes the pulley system to transfer blocks to the upper deck.

The giant pirate ship!

Auggie on the plank...

Spying other pirates off in the distance.

Gordy and Auggie cooking in the kitchen.

Charming little playhouse.

Auggie enjoying the aptly-named "Spirit Room".

Auggie adlibs on stage in a performance put on by much older, much cooler girls.  Needless to say they were definitely at odds with his creative direction.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That looks awesome! Wish we had one ...