Monday, April 6, 2009

Busy Weekend

Auggie had a very busy weekend, beginning with play time with Gordy on Friday.  Saturday, while Momma worked, Daddy and Auggie went to spend the morning with Grandma, Grandpa and Great Grandma Toynton in Walworth.  After nap we met up with friends at Stonefire Pizza in New Berlin.

Auggie with my friend (and former co-worker) Ni'Cole's kids, Katie and Charlie.

Take two.

Auggie devouring pizza as Izzy (another former co-worker's daughter) watches on.

Auggie and Izzy manning the train table together.

Our first time braving the water tables.  Why the first time, you ask?  Typically the water is very odiferous in a unpleasant and mysterious way.  Not so on Saturday, perhaps we arrived right after a recent filtering.

Katie and Auggie getting wet side by side.

Building a lego rocket.

Working in the pizza shop with Katie and Charlie.

Bowling with Izzy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very, very cute!