Thursday, September 25, 2008

Welcome To The World, Truman Rockett Anderson

Our friends Niccoli and Mathew, and Auggie's best friend Gordy have a brand new addition to their family, Truman!  He's such a beautiful baby boy!  Truman was born this week Wednesday and Auggie and I went to visit them today.

Auggie needed a few reminders to be gentle and did pretty well except for nearly tearing off Truman's umbilical stump-he was very intrigued by the yellow clamp attached at the end of it and thought he might take it as a souvenir.

It never ceases to amaze me how tiny infants are and I really struggle to remember when Auggie was this tiny.

Auggie and the proud papa working on a puzzle together.
Gordy was already at home with his YaYa so Mathew was kind enough to step in as playmate (there's only so much you can do to entertain a two year old in a tiny hospital room).


Examining the teeny tiny little feet up close.

Welcome to the world, Truman, we love you!

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