Friday, October 17, 2008

Le Fleurs Gymnastics II

On Thursday morning, Auggie and I met Sarah, Michaya, Baby Dylan and Grandpa Bob in Germantown at Le Fleur's Gym.  The last time we were there, Dylan was still holding on for dear life inside Sarah's womb!  Now we had an extra little guy to play with us.

Two cuties taking a breather on the trampoline.

Sarah pondering whether or not she's going to draw chalk lines around the bodies.

Auggie's really getting a lot more comfortable with all the equipment.

This was Auggie's first time getting to meet Michaya's little brother.

Baby Dylan.

Hanging out in the blocks pit with his girl.

Getting cuddles from 'Chaya.

This swing proved to be the highlight of the day.  I wasn't sure if Auggie would want to try it out because it's pretty high up from the ground...but he LOVED it.  He repeatedly jumped off the "cliff" while hanging on and swinging over the pit of blocks.  

Look at that cute little belly peeking out!

Playing catch with Michaya.


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