Friday, November 21, 2008

The Big Backyard II

Auggie and I returned to the indoor playground in New Berlin yesterday.  There really isn't anything that can beat this place on a bitterly cold day.

Some of the climbing equipment from distance.  Take note of how huge the slides are.

Auggie ran around with the football, saying, "Brett Favre!"

Captain Auggie

The ascent...

The decent...which was roughly at speeds of 25 mph.  At the end of the slide, right after this photo was taken, Auggie's skull collided with the bridge of my nose while I attempted to slow him down at the end of the tube.  Anyone's that's ever taken a shot to the nose knows the accompanying intense pain.  

Peek a boo

Future rock climber?

This smaller slide, was more our size, or should I say more my size/speed (there were no head wounds accrued from the one).


Anonymous said...

The equipment is awesome. What a lucky boy he is to have such a good mamma.

Anonymous said...

The shot to the nose reminds me of the time you jumped up and gave me an uppercut to the chin. I saw stars.

AUG BLOG said...

Yeah, my nose still hurts today. It throbbed and I was certain I would see blood pouring out-but none. Not even any bruising or swelling.