Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Big Backyard With Gordon

Niccoli and I met up with the boys today at the indoor playground, The Big Backyard.  Here's our pics:





...and climbing.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Easter Lily

Barb and Add gave me beautiful lilies for Easter.  Aren't they pretty on the kitchen table?!

Easter With The Toyntons

We spent Easter with Grandma, Grandpa and Great Grandma Toynton and the Fullertons.  The Easter Bunny traveled to Walworth too-he had a tower of sand toys and new swim trunks waiting for Auggie at his grandparent's house!  Thanks Easter Bunny!

Great Grandma Christine and her three great grandchildren.

We had a great brunch at The Hunt Club, Geneva National.

Getting cozy with Grandpa and Grandma Toynton.

Easter Morning

The Easter Bunny , as promised, snuck in this morning and left hidden Easter eggs around the house.  

Auggie's discovery of his first two eggs.

....up to roughly thirteen eggs.

What's that in the corner?!!

A giant dump truck with an Easter basket in it?!!

The unveiling.

The dumping.

Easter basket-smeaster basket, let's get back to the dump truck.

Who said you can't cuddle a dump truck?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!

Cute Cousins

Addison came over for a visit while Auntie Michelle went to an Easter party at Kendall's school.  On a break from wrestling, I managed to get a few cute pics of the boys cuddling.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009