Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Playing With Gordon

Auggie and I went to Niccoli's house to see how she's doing, hold Truman and play with Gordon.  The boys had not played together since Truman was born.  Here's some photos of the guys working on Gordy's tool bench (Gordy's drilling and Auggie is holding the light for him).

Sharing nicely and taking turns lasted for the first half hour, then the boys battled each other for every toy under the roof.

We had a wonderful lunch with Niccoli, YaYa, Grappa and Granny and then went home to take a nice nap.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Auggie Sings The ABC's

Baby Dylan

So not only did Auggie's best friend Gordy gain a sibling this week, but so did his girlfriend Michaya!  I went to visit the new baby, Dylan Robert, in West Bend yesterday.  Auggie stayed home with Dada.

Dylan's a big boy weighing in at 9 lbs 6 oz!

Happy mom, Sarah.

Michaya getting ready to hold her brother.

All reports point to Michaya being a wonderful big sister who's adjusting very well.

Proud Dad, Wes.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Welcome To The World, Truman Rockett Anderson

Our friends Niccoli and Mathew, and Auggie's best friend Gordy have a brand new addition to their family, Truman!  He's such a beautiful baby boy!  Truman was born this week Wednesday and Auggie and I went to visit them today.

Auggie needed a few reminders to be gentle and did pretty well except for nearly tearing off Truman's umbilical stump-he was very intrigued by the yellow clamp attached at the end of it and thought he might take it as a souvenir.

It never ceases to amaze me how tiny infants are and I really struggle to remember when Auggie was this tiny.

Auggie and the proud papa working on a puzzle together.
Gordy was already at home with his YaYa so Mathew was kind enough to step in as playmate (there's only so much you can do to entertain a two year old in a tiny hospital room).


Examining the teeny tiny little feet up close.

Welcome to the world, Truman, we love you!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Day Trip

When I woke up this morning I knew it was time to take a trip to Madison to surprise my friend Becky and say hello in person.  Most of you know that I worked at The Waisman Center/UW-Madison for three years before moving to Milwaukee for grad school.  Becky and I have a long history as friends and co-workers.  I gave her one quick prank call this morning to make sure she was in the building and then headed out the door with Auggie for a day trip.

The Waisman Center is an inclusive early childhood program that caters to all abilities with specialists in speech pathology, occupational therapy and physical therapy.  It's a great program and it was really special to have Auggie experience a piece of my history.  These next few photos are of Auggie enjoying the first rate gymnasium packed full of wheels, etc.

This is Becky manning a wagon load of little guys, Auggie's the caboose!

Shooting hoops

Catching a ride from one of the big kids.

Dancing with scarves.

Playing in the baby room.

Hanging out with another near-two year old, longingly gazing at the outdoor playground.

After spending most of the day at school and having coffee with another friend from college, Auggie and I went over to Becky's house for a dinner.

Auggie took an immediate liking to Max, my friend Toby's cat (Toby is Becky's son and my friend from college).
Auggie also took an immediate liking to Barbie.  Here he is looking very lovingly into her crystal blue rubber eyes.

Auggie, Max and Becky.

Hugs for Becky.

Hugs for Lance who came home just in time to visit with us.  Lance is Becky's long time boyfriend and dear friend of mine.  We had a wonderful time visiting my old stomping grounds.  We'll catch you the next time, Aunt Patti and Uncle Gary...this was a very spur of the moment, impromptu visit.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Auggie Meets Toad

Believe it or not, Auggie has not laid eyes on a toad until tonight.  He was sooooo excited!!  He kept saying, "ribbit, ribbit..."

Fun World

Friday night Aaron and I took Auggie to Fun World.  Final analysis: Fun World not so fun.  Our main objective, however, was accomplished (Auggie enjoyed himself).

Aaron teaching Auggie how to throw the ball up the ramp.

Shooting Hoops...

Firing golf balls at a monster in the cage.

Auggie really surprised us with how great he was at Air Hockey.  

In Bedrock driving the Flintstones car.

Auggie was able to redeem his winning tickets for a lovely blow-up microphone.  He's been singing into it around the house the rest of the weekend.