Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Back To Swimming!

The summer may be over but that means fall classes start back up!  Many of you know that Auggie has been taking swimming lessons for over a year now, however, all of these previous lessons mandated that Momma be in the pool swimming too.  We have finally graduated to the toddler swim class which entails Auggie swimming sans Momma.  Hooray!  We are still at Swimtastic Swim School but now in Waukesha instead of Mequon.  

Patiently waiting his turn on the steps.

Auggie shares his class and teacher, Miss Amie, with one other boy named T. J. (he's three years old).

Swimming with Miss Amie.

Picking out a piggy-duck as a reward for swimming to the other side.

Jumping into the water.

Smiling and following directions...amazing!!

Miss Amie and her two pupils.

At the end of every class the boys are allowed to take a turn on the slide...ALL BY THEMSELVES!!!  Again in previous classes I had to hold Auggie on my lap and slide down with him.  

Making his way down the slide to Miss Amie.  I'm so proud of the progress he's made since June.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a big boy! He really does look like he was really enjoying himself!