Friday, September 19, 2008

Grandma Kitty and Grandpa Donnie Babysit

I had to go into work yesterday afternoon for a scintillating work seminar, my parents were kind enough to babysit for Auggie.  Again the babysitters reported that Auggie was a good boy all day.  

Grandma Kitty and Auggie on a walk in the neighborhood.

Grandpa Donnie helping Auggie out on his John Deere.

 Cutie Pie

Grandma and Grandpa brought Auggie a great dump truck for his sandbox.

Grandma thought it necessary that Auggie have his very own pumpkin plate to eat peanut butter sandwiches off of.

Trying on Grandpa's hat and hamming it up for the camera.


Naptime.  Those grandparents really know how to wear little boys out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the blog link. Cute pictures. Grandma & grandpa have been busy!