Thursday, January 29, 2009

Auggie and Gordy's Playdate

Niccoli and I took the boys to The Big Backyard indoor playground on Tuesday.  Here's some photos of the boys playing really well together (growing up!).

Driving their Cozy Coupes (foreshadowing?).

Shooting hoops.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Swim Teacher

Winter break is over and Auggie is back to swim lessons at Swimtastic Swim School in Waukesha.  Auggie was a little apprehensive his first day back as he has a new teacher, Mr. Ryan.  Miss Amie left to pursue student teaching.  I'm relieved that despite Miss Amie's departure, Auggie's swim buddy, T.J., is still in class.

Auggie and his buddy, T. J.

A new boy, Jeremy, joined the class this semester.  He doesn't speak any English and he operates according to his own agenda.

Taking his turn swimming with Mr. Ryan.

Auggie is practicing using his goggles to look for objects under water.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Phone Number

While waiting in the lobby of Meineke for my oil change to be finished, the attendant asked for my general information and phone number.  I began telling her my phone number but could not because Auggie jumped in and took over!  I was stunned as was the attendant.  I had no knowledge that Auggie had even heard my phone number let alone memorized it.  When we got home we asked him what Momma's phone number was and videotaped his response.  Here's the proof that our two year old knows his phone number already!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A New Hangout

Auggie and I met Sarah, Wes, Michaya and baby Dylan in Germantown at a new place for kids, Family Fun Land.  It's the perfect place for Sarah and I to meet up between Brookfield and West Bend.  It houses an indoor gym, arcade, large inflatables and cafeteria.  

Auggie never actually found his way up to the chimp's head but kids could climb up and look through his eyes (my favorite part of the place).

 Michaya's "Static Attack."

Baby Dylan's Elvis impression.

Distance makes the heart grow fonder.

Heading out for their date...

Sarah and I both remarked this is as close as either one of our kids will get to ever riding a real motorcycle!

Help!!  Let us out of here!!!!

The Finished Product

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Painting Pottery

I'm posting this several days after the event for the sake of preserving a birthday surprise for Grandma Kitty.  Aaron and I took Auggie to La Terraza in Wauwatosa to paint some pottery for Grandma's birthday present.  We all had such a great time, it really was a lot of fun!!  

First we picked out our pottery, a large cup and saucer and a rimmed plate.  We knew our plan was to put Auggie's little handprint in the middle of a plate but we decided Grandma Kitty would be more likely to use a coffee cup more frequently, so we did both.  

Here Auggie and I are picking out our glazes.  

Painting the saucer a variety of colors!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Kendall's Birthday Party!

It was Kendall's 7th birthday this week!  Auggie had a great time helping Kendall celebrate.

Here's Kendall playing in her bedroom with her youngest cousins, Auggie and Avery.

Addison and Augustus playing together in the playroom.

Grandpa Toynton keeping the boys busy.

Auggie had to be in the thick of Kendall opening presents.  Kendall was kind enough to let Auggie take a turn at opening one of her presents.

Holding back and looking longingly at the delicious "High School Musical" birthday cake.

This is my favorite photo of the day.  Kendall's blowing out the candles on her cake and Auggie is really, really wishing he had some candles of his own to blow out.
Cute Cousins.

Auggie refused his lunch but had no problem scarfing down birthday cake and chocolate ice cream.

The Steaming Cup

Aaron and I had a low-key weekend, in part because we were all recovering from the aftermath of stomach flu that began on Monday and "went through" all of us at a fairly rapid pace.  I wanted to check out the Fox Riverwalk Antique Mall in downtown Waukesha so we headed there early Sunday morning.  It was a complete nightmare as far as Auggie was concerned and his perpetual whining, whilst in the mall, made for a less than enjoyable experience.  After antique shopping we headed for some coffee at a charming place called "The Steaming Cup".

Auggie (fully recovered from antiquing) savoring a Snickerdoodle muffin cookie...

...and hot cocoa with whipped cream.

Here's a photo I downloaded from the internet of The Steaming Cup.  We loved the outside's historical architecture and the bright and colorful interior.  When in Waukesha, I recommend stopping by and trying their honey latte. 

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Saturday Family Night

While reading our neighborhood paper, The Freeman, I discovered rather disturbing news regarding Brookfield's Chuck E. Cheese.  According to the report, the establishment has had numerous run-ins with the law this year, gun and knife fights and heroin and crack use in its bathrooms!  Ghetto-fied.  I scratched my head as I read wondering what the relationship is between an indoor playground/arcade and crime?!  Needless to say, we have no plans to return to Chuck E. Cheese in Brookfield.  So where can a parent take kids to eat and play...back to New Berlin's Stonefire Pizza.