Monday, January 12, 2009

The Steaming Cup

Aaron and I had a low-key weekend, in part because we were all recovering from the aftermath of stomach flu that began on Monday and "went through" all of us at a fairly rapid pace.  I wanted to check out the Fox Riverwalk Antique Mall in downtown Waukesha so we headed there early Sunday morning.  It was a complete nightmare as far as Auggie was concerned and his perpetual whining, whilst in the mall, made for a less than enjoyable experience.  After antique shopping we headed for some coffee at a charming place called "The Steaming Cup".

Auggie (fully recovered from antiquing) savoring a Snickerdoodle muffin cookie...

...and hot cocoa with whipped cream.

Here's a photo I downloaded from the internet of The Steaming Cup.  We loved the outside's historical architecture and the bright and colorful interior.  When in Waukesha, I recommend stopping by and trying their honey latte. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Auggie in an antique mall! That must have been a nightmare. Talk about having nothing to touch! It does look like a place Donnie and I would enjoy.