Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Swim Teacher

Winter break is over and Auggie is back to swim lessons at Swimtastic Swim School in Waukesha.  Auggie was a little apprehensive his first day back as he has a new teacher, Mr. Ryan.  Miss Amie left to pursue student teaching.  I'm relieved that despite Miss Amie's departure, Auggie's swim buddy, T.J., is still in class.

Auggie and his buddy, T. J.

A new boy, Jeremy, joined the class this semester.  He doesn't speak any English and he operates according to his own agenda.

Taking his turn swimming with Mr. Ryan.

Auggie is practicing using his goggles to look for objects under water.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the photo where he is walking with his instructor. Goggle one is cute too.