Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Eyes Have It...

I am thrilled to report that at swimming lessons today, Auggie became acclimated to wearing swim goggles!!!  One huge hurdle overcome!  Why the big deal you might ask?  Well, a little known factoid about Auggie is he hates things on his head and face (sunglasses, hats, hoods, etc.).  As he is advancing in his swimming classes, I knew eventually the issue of goggles would come up.  His teacher, Miss Amie, simply placed the goggles on his face today without any discussion and began the lesson.  Auggie seemed rather amused by the whole ordeal, repeatedly waving his hand in front of his goggles examining how his fingers were now a shade a blue.


Anonymous said...

He is just too cute!

Anonymous said...

Grandpa Donnie says he looks like a future Olympian.

AUG BLOG said...

Yeah, Michael Phelps!