Saturday, October 25, 2008

Auggie's First Hockey Game

Mathew and Niccoli gave us their tickets to the Milwaukee Admirals' hockey game tonight and we decided it was time for Auggie to experience what it's like.  We had a great time, thanks for the tickets guys!!

Auggie and I posing in front of the ice at the Bradley Center.

We only stayed until half time but I was thrilled to watch the Admirals score three points and witness a great fight break out, leading to one of our players to get booted out of the game!
Fights are always crowd pleasers.

We ate a ton of popcorn and chocolate ice cream together.

A man sitting next to us gave Auggie some "Bam-Bams" to whack together throughout the game.

Auggie fell in love with the Admirals' mascot, Roscoe and this pirate ship that shot t-shirts out into the crowd.

Dada is attacking Auggie with the bam-bams.

Another thing Auggie was intensely fond of, the mini-blimp (which Auggie referred to as "rocket").

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