Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fall Fun

We drove to Walworth to see Grandpa and Grandma Toynton, Great Grandma Christine, Auntie Michelle, Kendall and Addison and we all went together to Pearce's Farm Market, Corn and Hay Bale Maze.  It was such a beautiful day and everyone had a blast.

It was clear upon arrival what Auggie's focus would be...a great John Deere tractor like his great grandpa Julius's.  Auggie had the pleasure of sitting on the tractor (for long periods) and pretending to drive. 

Peeking through the steering wheel with Grandpa Toynton.

Cuddling with Momma.

 With Auntie Michelle and Kendall.

At the apex of the hay bale mountain.  Addison striking a pose next to the flag.

A few from afar.

Kendall and Auggie inside one of the many tunnels within the hay bale mountain.

Jumping bales with Grandma Toynton and Dada.

Bale surfing (new extreme sport).

Auggie making his way through the corn maze.

Grandpa and Kendall lending a helping hand in the corn maze.

Pumpkins!!  Auggie absolutely loves pumpkins, in part, because his favorite color is orange.

Cousins in the country...

After Pearce's Aaron, Auggie and I went to Klaus and Kate's house for a Chili and Corn Bread Cook-Off.  We had a great time!  Aaron and I had to make our way through 12 pots of chili and then put in our votes for our favorite.  We walked away with a little sweat on our foreheads and heartburn but it was well worth it.  Auggie had fun playing with baby Chase and lots of other kids, eating 5 pumpkin cookies and making his first very own jack-o-lantern (as seen in last photo).

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