Saturday, October 4, 2008

Brady Street Days' Buskerfest

Aaron and I decided to take Auggie down to our old stomping grounds on the east side.  This weekend was Brady Street's sidewalk Buskerfest (street performances).  We started our morning at one of our old coffee shops, Rochambo.  Aaron and I had some tall lattes and Auggie had a "Rosie Special" a luke warm chocolate milk with whipped cream on top.

Auggie found a good place to practice some new dance moves.

We found out how the "Rosie's Special" got it's name, a three year old named Rosie and her mom frequent this coffee shop and it's her drink of choice.  Auggie and Rosie were instant friends.


Momma trying to get smooches.

We took Auggie to wear his Momma and Dada first met, the Hi Hat Garage.  We sat outside and  had a wonderful brunch : crab cake eggs benedict for Momma, "Das Rachel (with hangover)" for Dada and wild berries waffles for Auggie.

We decided Auggie looked like Elliot Gould's character from "Ocean's" with my sunglasses on.

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