Sunday, November 2, 2008

Jelly Belly Factory

Auntie Michelle, Kendall, Addison, Auggie and I went to Racine on Friday to visit the Jelly 
Belly factory for their tour.  We rode a Jelly Belly train around the warehouse and went to the Jelly Belly store to load up on treats for our drive home.

We were all required to wear our hats in the warehouse.  Auggie, fortunately, was willing to wear his throughout the tour.

The engine.

Addison, Kendall and Auggie sat in the green railroad car right behind the engine.

Kendall and Auggie waiting at the railroad crossing.

Hi Auntie Michelle!


Anonymous said...

So when did you get to eat the jelly bellies?

AUG BLOG said...

we came home with a slew of candy that i bought in the factory store, plus they gave us two free bags of jelly bellies. i bought some of their chocolate varieties.