Thursday, November 6, 2008


Today was just an ordinary day until our usual trip to the grocery store yielded a rather large (and important) surprise in the life of a two year old.  We spied a huge fire truck parked horizontally in the parking lot.  I parked strategically very near to the truck so that we could get out to examine it more closely.  We took several walks around the truck with multiple reminders to Auggie to not touch the truck.  On our second trip around the truck I saw the firefighter come out of the grocery store.  How lucky could we be?!!  Firefighter Joe immediately opened up the truck for Auggie to let him drive the big rig.  Joe said that when he was a little boy his dad let him ride his fire truck.  Joe gave Auggie his own fire fighter helmet, stickers, fire truck cards and fire badges...what a lucky little boy!

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