Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve Brunch

We met Grandpa and Grandma Toynton, Great Grandma Christine and the Fullertons in Delafield for brunch on Wednesday morning.  We had a great meal at the Andrew's Restaurant within the Delafield Hotel.  The top order of the day was the King crab and shrimp salad croissant sandwiches-delicious!

Aunt Michelle had a stroke of genius when making the reservations...she requested our own private room.  Not only was the room beautiful, but also instrumental in containing our rambunctious (and noisy) kids!

Auggie and Addison snuggling Grandma Toynton.

Cousin line-up #1

Cousin line-up #2

Cousin line-up #3 with the addition of Great Grandma Christine.

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