Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas With Aunti Patti and Uncle Gary

We went to Madison this Saturday to celebrate Christmas with Uncle Gary and Aunt Patti.  We visited at their condo or "soup can" (as they lovingly refer to it) and opened Christmas presents.  Auggie was thrilled to receive a Curious George in swim trunks and goggles, a Blue's Clues DVD and his very own tool box.  Auggie played shy at first but he knew exactly where he was and who he was with.  Shortly after arriving Auggie roamed the condo looking for his "scooper", the scooper that Aunt Patti and Uncle Gary had given Auggie in the summer!  With no scooper in sight (it now resides in Brookfield), an impromptu visit to Target was in order.  Auggie now has his very own scoopers that will stay in Madison for future visits! 

Following the trip to Target, we lunched at Chuck E. Cheese.  This was a first time for Aunt Patti and Uncle Gary.   It's difficult to say who enjoyed the experience more, Auggie or his aunt and uncle.  
The Williams

Pedaling in circles...

Farming with Barney.

Air hockey with Aunti Patti.

Driving With Chuck.

For dessert we went to The Chocolate Shoppe which sits just below Aunt Patti and Uncle Gary's condo.  Here's Auggie playing with toys at his very own table while he waits for his Oreo cookie bar.

Holding hands with his Aunt Patti and Uncle Gary in the parking garage.  We had a wonderful time visiting, thank you!

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